Category: dell

  • In case I’ve not said it yet, I have no interest in being a hardware tech.

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    So how I’m managing to stay awake during this training is completely and utterly beyond me. But apparently, I am. Looky that. The sooner this training’s over (5:00 can’t come soon enough!), the better. ***************** I had links for posting and ranting about. In a fit of absolute moronicness, I … Read the rest

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  • And now, an actual update.

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    Because while it was a pretty accurate summary of my opinion of the current situation on Monday, it doesn’t really do a whole lot of explaining, well, anything. So here goes (warning: the below is probably going to be an essay. Deal.). So back in November, they transferred a lot … Read the rest

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  • They’re training me again…

    So apparently now I’m going to be a hardware technician for XPS computers. Which should be… thrilling, according to what other folks who’ve already made the switch are saying. Entertaining the prospect of looking for alternative employment, just in case this does take a nose dive…

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  • Tool outages are your friend.


    Particularly when they mean you’ve only had to troubleshoot and actually fix maybe 2 or 3 calls all freakin’ day, and it’s now 2:30 in the afternoon. Ladies and gents, somebody up there loves me, methinks.

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  • What’s worse than fixing Microsoft’s mistakes?

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    Fixing apple’s. What’s worse than fixing Apple’s mistakes? Fixing that which they already know about. For the record, I never want to get that involved with anything Apple related again. And this from a guy who’s got a well documented hatred of Microsoft. But at least their software doesn’t break … Read the rest

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  • Is today the national day of malware or something?

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    Only explanation I can think of for the reason every call, except maybe 1 or 2, has been a badly messed up system in desperate need of a serious cleaning. If I really wanted to play dirty, I could probably break the single-person record for amount of times reinstalling Windows … Read the rest

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  • Now there’s a random search woops.

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    I think Google may have had a momentary laps. A Dell technician in India has, apparently, stumbled across this entry while looking for a solution to one of I’m sure a meriad of Sympatico related problems. Particularly surrounding Windows Mail. Now, uh, don’t get me wrong–I like the attention, but … Read the rest

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  • My computer sucks…

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    It’s a sad, sad day when you work for a computer company, doing tech support, and your computer goes on the blink. Mine’s already developed this nasty habbit of restarting for no real apparent reason. And now while making someone pay me to fix their brokenness, my computer started to … Read the rest

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  • I can haz no webmessengerz?

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    So apparently they’ve gotten smart and blocked all the good web to IM services out there. I didn’t want a way to kill a lunch hour anyway. Anyone have an alternative to things like meebo, MSN’s web messenger, ebudy and… um, all those? Will pay in… um, praise. ‘Cuz that’s … Read the rest

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  • If you’re stuck on hold, I’m sorry.

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    Very rarely will I make 2 work related posts in one day. Not because I don’t like my job, but because I’m too lazy. But today–oh, today… there are 23 people currently waiting on hold. One of them, the one I’ll probably get to talk to when my break ends, … Read the rest

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