Category: dell

  • I wonder if they’ll let me leave early…

    It’s 20 minutes to 10. There are 24 people waiting for calls. I’ve taken a grand total of 2 and I’ve been here an hour. Perhaps the smart decision would be to push for an early release if this keeps up… considering until Wednesday evening I was scheduled off today. … Read the rest

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  • Me mommy gonna kill me…

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    I told her I’d drop by her place for Easter weekend. That was, naturally, before I came to work this morning. Now, as of 20 minutes to half an hour ago, I’m instead working Saturday. What’s wrong with me? And how long will I live…?

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  • Sometimes, I really, really like my job.

    I’ve been making way too many work related entries of late, methinks. But this one’s worth it. I got stung with a nifty little bonus, and a niftier little raise. Occasionally, I actually do consider not applying for other jobs. And 4.5% is somewhat worth a tiny little bit of … Read the rest

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  • They should make drinking on the job legal, just for one day…

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    Sadly, I don’t have the time to get as hammered as I planned to tonight, thanks largely to the fact I’m off at 10 and get to go back in tomorrow morning at 11. I shall have to rely solely on funblindsinger for my vicarious living pleasure. In the meantime, … Read the rest

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  • I am a zombie.

    I’m supposed to be off at 10. I got off at midnight. I got home at 1. I fell in bed just before 2. I is whiped.

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  • Yeah, this job’s way too easy.


    “This diagnostic says it’s broken. Here, let me replace it for you.” That’s been the motto of the day for me. I’ve only had one call where I actually had to think, and that was only in the minor aspect of figuring out how best to walk the guy on … Read the rest

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  • Should I still be tired?

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    My mind says no, but my body says hell yes. I got in just after 11 last night and was in bed by midnight, only finally crawling out of bed for good about 25 minutes ago. This just may be a job for extra caffeine. Going to work today is … Read the rest

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  • And I work, per chance to stay awake.


    I was right, twice. Rightness number 1: I am not entirely interested in dealing with hardware support; very little thought actually involved, in most cases. rightness number 2: it’s subsequently putting me to sleep. Give me a week or two. I’ll coast through it like nothing else. And then I’ll … Read the rest

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  • International woops day, perhaps?

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    Idiots a-plenty. And as I’ve often maintained, they will systematically be eliminated from the gene pool. Idiot number 1: New York City pimpinator. Bad idea: being caught in the middle of a prostitution ring with topic of things like, you know, elections in the wind. On behalf of Canadians everywhere, … Read the rest

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  • Picture if you will…

    A blind guy gets to spend an hour and a half sitting through the setup of a TV tuner. Now, keep in mind this is an entirely visual process. How likely would you guess it’d be that I stayed awake?

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