Category: Bell Canada

  • Why thank you, Bell.

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    In order to address my issues with not being able to keep a stable connection to Bell’s ever so craptastical intarwebz, they have graciously lowered my maximum connection speed in an attempt to stabilize things. Roughly translated: Don’t ask me to download anything for you until I switch ISPs. Now … Read the rest

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  • So I’ve decided…


    Shortly after cancelling my Sympatico account, I considered how best to take full advantage of the fact Bell will, as of the 27th of this month, no longer be able to directly screw me over. And I’ve decided, I can only do so by beating them to the punch, and … Read the rest

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  • That’s my wonderful ISP.

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    I’ll randomly post articles from technology related sites on here at times, mostly to point out the utter moronicness of the situations in question. Techdirt gets nominated as my source for local stupidity.

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  • Selling out to the Americans again.


    The biggest monopoly on Canadian telephone and DSL service is apparently set to become the biggest US owned Canadian monopoly. Thanks largely to a ruling courtesy a Quebec judge. There are no words for this. Except, that is, a thank you. You see, I didn’t think the government could sell … Read the rest

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  • The… squirrels… did… it…?

    It redefines ridiculous, and actually makes me resent mother nature more than any of my top 3 favourite entities to hate on, but according to Bell technician dood who’s name I never got, squirrels broke my phone service, the ratbastards. Which… I suppose explains why even a replaced phone line … Read the rest

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  • 24 hours without phone service.


    I was hoping I wouldn’t have to take the day off to actually have this delt with, but apparently, someone over at Bell needs to be called back, blasted, and then properly instructed on how best to fix my freakin’ phone line so it actually works for more than an … Read the rest

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  • Why am I paying for service I’m not getting?


    For the third time this month, and the second time in 2 days, I presently have no home telephone line. Which, for whatever reason, has no effect whatsoever on my DSL service. My overall pissedness with the ISP side of my phone company is already well documented, but I’ve yet … Read the rest

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