… Along comes this admittedly slightly not so recent news story. Guy posts a status update about the anniversary of his mother’s death. Whole bunch of people click that damned annoying like button about it, thusly inflating his ego to about the size of the Goodyear blymp. His estranged wife, recently separated, doesn’t. Now, if he’s a sane kind of guy, he figures, oh, well, she’ll probably say something later. Or not. It’s only Facebook. But if he’s a sane kind of guy, he doesn’t get a mention on this blog–or on Techdirt, where I initially ran into this story. Since he’s ending up in both places, it’s reasonable to assume rather than be sane, he decided to get drunk and attack his wife over the absense of a click on that damned like button. Yeah, I don’t get it either–but then, I also don’t hang out on Facebook. I wonder. Will they let him post from his cell? Jail cell, I mean. And will she like his arrest notification?