Home » hockey » playoffs » Oh, buffalo. You had such promise. Well, okay, maybe not.

Oh, buffalo. You had such promise. Well, okay, maybe not.

In my one-person household, we have a problem. It’s baseball season, and Toronto’s actually doing… well… decently. It’s alsp playoff season, and Montreal still needs to be shown the door–something I’d like to be able to watch. Unfortunately, while my multitasking ability is awesome, my TV’s isn’t. So I missed the playoff style drop kick handed to Buffalo thanks to Boston on Monday night. But, as I’ve shown previously, just because I missed it by 4 days doesn’t mean I can’t have my own little cellebration. So long, Sabres. You were good in the regular season–just not good enough for the postseason. I’d say I’ll miss ya, but well… no.

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