The nephew, in pictures!

Because I keep threatening to do this and never get around to it, I now get around to it. I don’t have many pictures of him yet, but thankfully he’ll be around for ages, so that’ll change in plenty of time. He’s just over 6 months old now, and growing like a freakin’ weed. Here’s a comparison.

Jess was up in December for Christmas, and got to spend a little time with him. You may or may not be able to see her in this picture, but she’s there. Mostly, she’s distracting him while mom snaps his mug. You kind of had to be there. Warning: cute overload.

That was at 3 months old. He blew up in the 2 months since then–here’s the same kid in February. Freaking scary the difference. Gotta love me.

And, because my family has its extreme random moments, here’s the same 5-month-old, in gangsta form. Hey, if you knew his father, you’d catch on. If you know his father, be afraid for his kid. That's one gangsta baby!

Appologies in advance of the images are a little difficult to view or anything. They were taken on a cell phone, and I may or may not have stuck them up here properly. Still, there’s the familial snap fest. There will probably be more. If there are, they will probably be here. And probably, hopefully, slightly less broken.

Also: You hotlink the images and not ask me, I break your fingers. Or at least stare you down angrily. You have been warned.


4 responses to “The nephew, in pictures!”

    • Just the one, for right now. There’s rumors of the possibility of a second eventually, but so far that’s all they are. Personally, I think they’re still getting over the first one.

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