My thoughts on the Sirius Canada trial.

A few weeks ago, I received a free trial offer for Sirius Canada, or Sirius XM Canada if you prefer. I took full advantage of it, mostly because I had little to nothing else to do at the time. And because it was free, but y’know. The service itself is pretty nifty. And, surprisingly enough, useable with a minimal amount of headache. I thought very briefly about paying for it. Except, small problem. I don’t see anywhere you can go to purchase just an online subscription. I have no use for one of their radios, and in fact don’t even listen to the radio I do have–any music I listen to will more than likely be streamed over the internet by a site similar to Jango. I did receive a special promotion email offering me a discount on their services if I were to purchase a certain radio. Which would rule, if I was looking for that. I’ll make you a deal, Sirius. You give me an option for strictly online listening, and we’ll talk. ‘Til then, thanks for the free trial.

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