Weekend randomness, and ODSP is ultra evil.

The latter is obvious to anyone who’s actually using the service, but I’ll get to that momentarily. Jess and I spent the majority of this weekend thus far kicked back and relaxing. She graduates on Thursday, so we’re sort of trying to gear up for that. Also, because we haven’t really had a weekend where we can just sort of not do a whole lot of anything that often since I came down here. Friday was taken up largely with music, dancing, awesome food and a little alcohol. We turned the majority of her living room into a dance floor, and just had ourselves a slow dance or 4. We ordered from a new–to me, anyway–restaurant, There was a weekend. I had it.

  • last weekend, the past week, and what happens when I have free time.
  • Week and weekend in review, and I still can has no works.
  • Last big weekend in Rochester, summarized. Awesome.
  • , , , ,

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