Maple Leafs 6, Capitals 3.

Hang on a sec. We won? Again? Three straight? At home? That can’t be right. I mean, I checked and double checked the score–I couldn’t exactly watch Saturday’s game on account of I was busy having a weekend get together, but… still, that can’t be right. Not that I’m complaining, but this year’s team just doesn’t do that kinda thing. Toronto’s top line, who shall now until Ron Wilson switches it around be known as Kessel and company, actually got offensive? Well, I guess anything’s possible. They play Ottawa tonight, and with this habbit of running off with 2 points recently developed, I actually might be looking forward just a tiny bit to watching the game. Maybe. God I hope I don’t end up regretting that. We may be trying a little harder to win, but I do believe my inner pesimist is showing.

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