2009, in review.

It’s been a relatively quiet year, all things considering, with the majority of the excitement coming in the last few months. In fact, so little has happened that I do believe I’ll pull out one of my rare list format entries. So, without further delay, my year, in a nutshell.

  • Nothing professionally to speak of, save for a few interviews that didn’t actually lead anywhere
  • Spent plenty of time on both sides of the border with Jessica, getting even closer to her than we were already
  • Got to watch my cousin Stephen get married, the third in this bracket of our family to do so
  • Had to return to disability against my will after unemployment insurance ran out, what with the nonexistent professional life at the moment as mentioned above
  • Moved back to the Petawawa/Pembroke area as a result of having lost said unemployment insurance
  • And, in and around all of this, became an uncle to a potential future quarterback

All in all, a few bumps and scrapes but an otherwise fairly average, bordering on dull, year. I’d like to say I hope 2010 turns out the same way, but really, I like a little more excitement than that. And I wouldn’t say no to a job. But, that was 2009. One of these days I’ll actually come up with a resolution for the next year. But it won’t be today.


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