I get the most random of emails.

Of course, most of the random emails I end up getting turn out to be spam, but some are still rather amusing. I got this one last night, for the third time this week and from the third different address this week.

From: spam@email.address.removed
To: my@email.address.removed
Date: Mon 09/11/2009 3:40 AM
Subject: Webmail Verification Update!

Your mailbox quota has exceeded the storage limit which is 20GB as set by your administrator, you are currently running on 20.9GB.
You may not be able to send or receive new mails until you re-validate your mailbox.
To re-activate your account please click the link and login with the username and password provided for you below:
Thanks and we are sorry for the inconviniences Localhost.

Hey, don’t get me wrong, I’d love it if someone would give me 20 GB just for email storage and it didn’t end up being Gmail. But, if they did… I doubt they’d sign their warning emails “Localhost”. Or deactivate it for being overquota and require revalidation. Yes, spammers are stupid. Or, perhaps, I’m still tired. That may also be why I’m still smirking.

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