As the title says, I made it here intact and about 5 minutes ahead of schedule. We were supposed to be in by quarter past midnight, but ended up actually pulling in at about 10 past, give or take delays. Most of Friday night was spent being all manner of lazy, and just catching up. Well, that and sleeping. Yesterday consisted of hanging with Julie and her husband for the better part of the evening. We came to the not too surprising realization that as a general rule, blindness organizations suck for anything beyond good PR. Not that we didn’t already know this, but y’know. Shooting the shit with them lasted a couple hours before we packed it up and headed back to Jess’s apartment. There was sleep to be had, and a nice, healthy dose of relaxation. And the random conversation among other things didn’t hurt matters any either. Today’s been relatively low key–most of it was spent doing not a whole lot, and now we’re sort of contemplating exactly how much effort to put towards dinner.
I did get a chance to show off the new phone this weekend–the same phone that approximately half this post was written on before the battery finally gave out, and the general consensus matches mine–the phone, in all its unvelieveable thinness, still kicks wicked ass. Folks who follow my Twitter feed will note I was able to update multiple times throughout the trip, even on the US side of the border. I happened to be on one of Greyhound’s attempts at a newer bus–and, let’s say, it could use some improvements in the leg room department. But, aside from that It’s not half bad. I stole their wireless connection after we crossed the border, and proceed to IM with random people as we were heading out of Buffalow. I still owe an assessment of the phone, and it’ll happen later on this week, if I remember. But as for now, the girlfriend’s up to her ears in housework, and I’m off to maybe attempt assistance without breakage. I’ll do hockey recaps later, also if I remember. In the meantime, have a Sunday evening.