Home » random crap » Reason number 5954631 why I so should have been an English major.

Reason number 5954631 why I so should have been an English major.

I tried, like way hard, to respond teasingly to a quiz posted to dahlia_and_balu‘s (sorry, but I completely forgot or never knew your name) LJ. Except it would have required I *intentionally* riddle it with literary fail. Apparently, that’s a concept I just can’t seem to grasp onto. As in, the very act of intentionally trying to do so provoked a complete non-response on the brain front. I seriously got nothin’. So why am I not an English major? … One word. Shakespeare.

5 responses to “Reason number 5954631 why I so should have been an English major.”

  1. I love Shakespeare. And I was an English major for my bachelor’s, but why is a sad story (for me, anyway! LOL). But guess what? Now I want to go back and get a second bachelor’s degree–in physics and computer science. I am probably just daydreaming, but who knows–maybe I could do it? My name is Nadia. “dahlia and balu” is an anagram of my full name.

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