Twitterings of the me.

  • 10:51 Giving fixing the cousin’s laptop another go round. Thinking it may be faster and easier to tell her to reinstall the damn thing. #
  • 11:18 Laptop’s pretty done. I can fix the software problems, but she’s got motherboard or fan failure issues. That’s gonna be $expensive. #
  • 13:22 No, “Ken” does not live here. But you can accidentally call my number any time you want. #
  • 13:23 PS: Twitter was displaying some funky 500 error before it went down for “maintenance”. Probably why my text didn’t go through. #
  • 13:24 @chellenator Never let it be said that the two of you don’t look very domestic together. 🙂 #
  • 13:31 @chellenator Obviously someone’s not doing something right! #
  • 13:49 @samari76 Truer words were never spoken. And all the stupid ends up calling you. #
  • 14:51 @valdemaximus You have just killed the doughnut. Killed. It’s dead. #
  • 15:14 Why is Jango on a Blondie kick this afternoon…? #
  • 01:52 Have no landline, call the cell if I’m needed. Bell Canada, die in a fire. #
  • 02:03 Fought with Bell’s automated system, a tech should be out here sometime tomorrow. Between 8 and 5, they say. Thank God I’m not working. #

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