I have proven, once again, that I don’t need any particular amount of time to be presentable and somewhat resembling mobile. Up but not necessarily awake at 6:10, closer to awake and lunch packed by 6:15, a little closer to awake and fed at 6:20, cruising the flist list at 6:25, awake and out the door at exactly 6:30. I. am. awesome. And now I try surviving the work day. I may need to post conversational quotes for the sole purpose of distracting me.
2 responses to “*twitch*”
Where does that nice hot shower fit in? That is, unless you do what I should do and take it at night before bed.
I’ve been known to be ready within ten minutes. Last fall, I over slept one morning, woke up at 6:58 and had to katch a bus at 7:12. I also have a guide dog, so you can imagine the running around I was doing that morning. I even got a black eye to show for it.
That usually gets pushed to something that gets done the night before. And I don’t have a guide dog, specificly for that reason. Any kind of dog I end up owning be it guide or otherwise usually needs about a half hour just to decide whether it wants to eat or go out first. Much less stressful this way.