Things one should not do on one’s lunch hour.

Sift through one’s regularly read blogs, discover the same 3 quizzes scattered throughout said blogs, and immediately start wondering “Should I do that too, or…?”. I really, really need to find something to distract me. Back to fanticising about a wicked awesome beast of a computer I will never aford in my lifetime. But hey, I do have a birthday coming up…

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9 responses to “Things one should not do on one’s lunch hour.”

  1. Hi!
    I came across your journal from a few mutual friends, and added you. I hope you don’t mind. Feel free to read and comment if you have any questions.

  2. Sift through one’s regularly read blogs, discover the same 3 quizzes scattered throughout said blogs, and immediately start wondering
    “Should I do that too, or…

    so you do that too huh? LOL

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