Home » random crap » This will probably only be relevant or even interesting to a grand total of no one. Oh well.

This will probably only be relevant or even interesting to a grand total of no one. Oh well.

00:41:33 up 51 days, 12:23, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.01

Do *that* with Windows. I dare you.

6 responses to “This will probably only be relevant or even interesting to a grand total of no one. Oh well.”

  1. Okay, and this means, … what … exactly? I’m curious, and incredibly worthlessly bored at this precise moment and need something to occupy my grey matter. SMILE!

    • You must be unbelieveably bored. Okay. Here goes. it was 12:41 AM last night when I was playing. There was 1 user on the system (uh, that would be me), and it was up for about 51 and a half days. The 0’s and such are the average load on the CPU in the last 1, 5, and 15 minutes. So escentially… my linux server is owning.

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