I’m not about to wine about missing one in which, leading going into the third, we tanked. Bad. Not bad as in “Oh well, we’ll get ’em next time.”. Bad as in 5 goals in 20 minutes to our… wait for it… wait for it… 1. That’s right, we got spanked by our own lack of play. Again. I have no problem admitting that. Or admitting we more than likely don’t have a chance in hell of making the playoffs this year no matter who’s in net. Doesn’t mean it still doesn’t piss me right the hell off. Just that I have no problem admitting it does. Sometimes, I think I only look forward to the hockey season because I can rant endlessly when my team does its best impression of a wet noodle. But that’s just the opinion of one slightly crazy and very left field Canadian. So take it with your usual half shaker of salt.