Surprise. If you work more, you’ll spend less time with your family. Apparently, Statistics Canada is just finding that out now. And of course, now it’s headline news. Sorry folks, but I coulda told you that and I’ve only actually had a job for 2 months. It’s not a 9-5 world anymore, folks. Hell, it’s very near a 24/7 world. When I leave here at the end of an 8:00 shift, the place is still packed. It’ll stay that way usually until 11, then everyone but the overnight crew takes off. And we do it again in the morning. If I had family here who wasn’t an uncle who’s only borrowing my place for a place to crash, they’d shoot me for how much time I don’t spend actually home and awake. And yet, people who look for trends like this professionally are just drawing that conclusion now. I worry for these people. I really do.