Hockey reference aside, I have found the place with a 98% chance of me moving in. The rent’s a little steep, but… after doing a little bit of numbers work thanks largely to the fact I have a pretty good idea what my monthly income’s gonna be, it won’t be impossible to pull off. Actually, it’ll be fairly easy to pull off, after the first month. So now, I just have to finish making certain arangements, and… as of 11/15/2006, I will hopefully be moved out of this place. Or, at least, it will be in my name and partly payed for. Gives me about… 5 days or so to sort things out, then it’s to the job site with me. Of course, there will be a few days of internetless lollyblogging, but that won’t be avoidable. Much. Because, well, I will be plenty busted ’til my second paycheck. But I’ll be moved! And employed!