After spending, roughly, a day or so tinkering with Word Press (No, I’m not abandoning my Moveable Type yet), I have discovered in that way that really makes me wonder what the hell I do with my free time 3 things I didn’t know about me and blogging software.
- PHP is, in fact, not too incredibly hard to learn. Even if I can say that after tweeking some of WP’s code just to get it to show the date like I want.
- WP is actually *not* too bad a blogging system, if you can get around banging your head against the wall and actually manage to compensate for the learning curve.
- WP is way too much designed for the community feel. It’s good for things where multiple people are actively contributing, but I think, given the choice, if it’s just me and maybe one or two other people contributing… I’ll stick to my MT.
I learned a lot, though, surprisingly. It’s kind of amazing how much you can find out just by taking a couple hours and messing around with software and crap. And that’s what I’ve been doing for the last couple days, instead of popping up with all kinds of sarcasm and other such randomness on this site–I know, I know, the 3 of you who read this didn’t miss me much anyway. I’ve learned, though, it’s not the kind of thing I’d want running this blog. Although, I suspect, that’s primarily because I *just* got finished beating my head against the wall figuring out MT’s inner workings so I didn’t break this site–not for the first time–while I’m attempting to change something. I don’t wanna go through all that with a new system again! Well, okay, so maybe eventually I will. If, for whatever reason, a natural disaster happens to come up and this blog’s completely and totally whiped out. Hm… but since I’m on the topic, anyone want a free blog? I’ve got the space for it…