So I’m doing that whole seeing how this Bloglines thing works out. It’s so far fairly good, and… potentially? a lot more reliable than, though that still remains to be seen. IT doesn’t email you the new feed updates like the latter site does, but there’s a small program (100K, maybe?) that sits on your computer optionally, and checks every so often (you decide how often) for updates, and lets you know. Then you can either go to the site and read all the updates it found, or… not. They’ll still be there when you decide not to be lazy. So far it’s working alright… but we shall see. I think I’ll run a comparison of the two for a few days and see which one holds my interest. RSSFWD isn’t proving as reliable as I’d like to see, so… holding breath, here.
2 responses to “Because I like to try new things.”
Apologies that RssFwd has been under the weather recently, overwhelmed by spam. Lemme know what’s not working for you. Perhaps I can expedite those issues.
More or less, slowness. Lots, and lots, and lots of slowness. There’s days where entries would be sitting on websites for a good 6 hours before RSSFWD will pick up on them.