My latest addiction…

… has decided to be Warring Factions for like the fifth time. I’ve played this game before and always wound up getting frustrated with it. But, like everything else, something about it always brings me back to it… must be the fact it’s the only decent game of its kind i’ve found. Maybe this time I’ll actually stick out playing with it. Hey, you never know…

One response to “My latest addiction…”

  1. howdy. cool, I can bug the crapola out of you on this, mwahahahaaha. Anyhow, I thought I’d check this thingy again, I got bored. how much space you got on here? If, by some miracle, I ever wanted to make a site, would you hoast it? i have no clue ATM what i’d do, but y’know.
    Right, I’m done, for the moment. Yak at you soon, maybe?
    Short one, whose glad she gets to annoy the crap out of you again.
    PS, some of the stuff on much more music doesn’t stink, namely they play celine, or used to, I haven’t listened in awhile.

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